In addition, the surface of the aluminum alloy material is anti-slip treated, making it more wear-resistant and durable. The slide rail system is smooth and precise, and the experience is smooth and noiseless during training. Whether it is used in the gym, Pilates studio or home, the aluminum alloy semi-elevated core bed is an ideal choice to help users shape a strong body and elegant posture in an efficient and safe environment.
Name: Scott.Zhou
Mobile:+86 189 3352 3963
Tel:+86 189 3352 3963
Whatsapp:+86 189 3352 3963
Add:165 Mingyue 2nd Road, Shiwan Town, Boluo County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province惠州市博罗县石湾镇明月二路165-1号3楼
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